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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Camper Van Cracker

For all of your who remember Cracker, and even the fogies amongst us who are Camper Van Beethoven fans, here is some news:

  1. Camper apparently reformed, toured (all while I slept apparently) and once they were sure they didn't hate each other, recorded a new album: New Roman Times. Haven't heard it yet, but hey, I can be cautiously optimistic can't I? If you've heard it, please comment...

  2. Cracker did an album of hillbilly'd up versions of their best songs with Leftover Salmon. Its actually pretty good. In a lot of cases better than the originals, but Cracker always walked the line of being a little too slick for me.

  3. Cracker seems to have a new album, called Countrysides.

  4. Camper appeared on a Sublime tribute CD.


Blogger Steve said...

Yeah, a bunch of us went to the Camper show in Santa Cruz. Where were you?

The swing version of Eurotrash Girl is amusing, but it's a bit weird: since it's done in 3/4 there's not a beat to sing the "girl" part of the chorus, so he kind of swallows it.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Vitriolix said...

like i said sleeping ;). i do recall hearing they toured though.

4:55 PM  
Blogger Harold said...

Alright, Rip Van Winkle, it's time to wake up and catch up with Camper...they have some tour dates coming up! In case you're interested, I've just written my own blog entry about Camper.

4:20 PM  

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